Russell Westbrook and Wife Nina’s Adorable Moments on Their Paris Vacation

Russell and Nina Westbrook, who recently became parents, have embarked on a much-needed vacation to Paris. It marks their first international trip together since welcoming their newborn son, Noah, into their lives.

During their time in the City of Love, the couple had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the glamour of Paris Fashion Week and explore the city’s iconic attractions. A picturesque family portrait was captured against the backdrop of the renowned Eiffel Tower, showcasing their joy and togetherness.

While enjoying their family vacation, Russell and Nina also had some tÒºrilling moments of their own. They had a delightful double date night with Thabo Sefolosha, an Atlanta Hawks player, and his wife, Bertile. The connection between the couples blossomed during Thabo’s time with the Oklahoma City Thunder, leading to a close friendship.

This Parisian getaway provided the Westbrooks with a well-deserved break and an opportunity to create lasting memories as they navigate the exciting journey of parenthood.